Rezultatele alegerilor. Votul din 12-14 mai 2023
Conducerea interimară a Sindicatului Arhitecților
Conform proiectului de Statut al Sindicatului Arhitecților din România, toți cei 21 20 de membri fondatori sunt membri ai Senatului până la primul termen de alegeri de după înființarea Sindicatului.
Senatul Sindicatului Arhitecților din România (interimar)
- Arh. Gabriel Andrei ALEXOIU
- Dr. Arh. Isan AMET
- Arh. Dan BACIU
- Arh. Bogdan Emanuel BOBIC
- Arh. Olivia COLLAVINI
- Dr. Arh. Anca Mihaela COȘA
- Arh. Laurențiu DIACONU
- Arh. Rocsana DRAGOMIR
- Arh. Horia DROGEANU
- Arh. Simona DULGHERU
- Arh. Mihai JUGANU
- Arh. Ștefan PETREA
- Arh. Adrian POPESCU
- Arh. Bogdan PROFIR
- Arh. Vasile REVIN
- Arh. Sorin STAMATE
- Arh. Marie-Jeanne ȘTEFĂNESCU
- Arh. Octavian UNGUREANU
- Arh. Elefterios VAMVAKAS
Arh. Octavian Ungureanu
Lider SAR
- Octavian Ungureanu 100%, 19 votes19 votes 100%19 votes - 100% of all votes
- Împotrivă 0%, 0 votes0 votes0 votes - 0% of all votes
Total Votes: 19
12 mai 2023
- 14 mai 2023
Voting is closed
Arh. Marie-Jeanne Ștefănescu
Vicelider SAR
- Arh. Marie-Jeanne Ștefănescu 30%, 15 votes15 votes 30%15 votes - 30% of all votes
- Arh. Dan Baciu 20%, 10 votes10 votes 20%10 votes - 20% of all votes
- Dr. Arh. Isan Amet 18%, 9 votes9 votes 18%9 votes - 18% of all votes
- Arh. Ștefan Mihai Petrea 16%, 8 votes8 votes 16%8 votes - 16% of all votes
- Arh. Elefterios Vamvakas 16%, 8 votes8 votes 16%8 votes - 16% of all votes
- Abținere 0%, 0 votes0 votes0 votes - 0% of all votes
Total Votes: 50
Voters: 20
12 mai 2023
- 14 mai 2023
Voting is closed
Arh. Dan Baciu
Vicelider SAR
- Arh. Marie-Jeanne Ștefănescu 30%, 15 votes15 votes 30%15 votes - 30% of all votes
- Arh. Dan Baciu 20%, 10 votes10 votes 20%10 votes - 20% of all votes
- Dr. Arh. Isan Amet 18%, 9 votes9 votes 18%9 votes - 18% of all votes
- Arh. Ștefan Mihai Petrea 16%, 8 votes8 votes 16%8 votes - 16% of all votes
- Arh. Elefterios Vamvakas 16%, 8 votes8 votes 16%8 votes - 16% of all votes
- Abținere 0%, 0 votes0 votes0 votes - 0% of all votes
Total Votes: 50
Voters: 20
12 mai 2023
- 14 mai 2023
Voting is closed
Dr. Arh. Isan Amet
Vicelider SAR
- Arh. Marie-Jeanne Ștefănescu 30%, 15 votes15 votes 30%15 votes - 30% of all votes
- Arh. Dan Baciu 20%, 10 votes10 votes 20%10 votes - 20% of all votes
- Dr. Arh. Isan Amet 18%, 9 votes9 votes 18%9 votes - 18% of all votes
- Arh. Ștefan Mihai Petrea 16%, 8 votes8 votes 16%8 votes - 16% of all votes
- Arh. Elefterios Vamvakas 16%, 8 votes8 votes 16%8 votes - 16% of all votes
- Abținere 0%, 0 votes0 votes0 votes - 0% of all votes
Total Votes: 50
Voters: 20
12 mai 2023
- 14 mai 2023
Voting is closed
Dr. Arh. Anca Coșa
Secretar General SAR
- Dr. Arh. Anca Mihaela Coșa 92%, 11 votes11 votes 92%11 votes - 92% of all votes
- Împotrivă 8%, 1 vote1 vote 8%1 vote - 8% of all votes
Total Votes: 12
27 mai 2023
- 29 mai 2023
Voting is closed
Arh. Gabriel Alexoiu
Trezorier SAR
- Arh. Gabriel Alexoiu 100%, 19 votes19 votes 100%19 votes - 100% of all votes
- Împotrivă 0%, 0 votes0 votes0 votes - 0% of all votes
Total Votes: 19
12 mai 2023
- 14 mai 2023
Voting is closed
Arh. Radu Cristian Rădulescu
Cenzorul SAR
- Arh. Radu Cristian Rădulescu 89%, 17 votes17 votes 89%17 votes - 89% of all votes
- Împotrivă 11%, 2 votes2 votes 11%2 votes - 11% of all votes
Total Votes: 19
12 mai 2023
- 14 mai 2023
Voting is closed
Dr. Arh. Anca Coșa
Lider Comisie Muncă
- Arh. Anca Mihaela Coșa 95%, 18 votes18 votes 95%18 votes - 95% of all votes
- Împotrivă 5%, 1 vote1 vote 5%1 vote - 5% of all votes
Total Votes: 19
12 mai 2023
- 14 mai 2023
Voting is closed
Arh. Olivia Collavini
Lider Comisii Temporare
- Arh. Olivia Collavini 100%, 19 votes19 votes 100%19 votes - 100% of all votes
- Împotrivă 0%, 0 votes0 votes0 votes - 0% of all votes
Total Votes: 19
12 mai 2023
- 14 mai 2023
Voting is closed
Fără candidaturi
Lider Comisia Legislație
Fără candidaturi.
Arh. Emanuel-Bogdan Bobic
Responsabil PR
- Arh. Emanuel-Bogdan Bobic 84%, 16 votes16 votes 84%16 votes - 84% of all votes
- Împotrivă 16%, 3 votes3 votes 16%3 votes - 16% of all votes
Total Votes: 19
12 mai 2023
- 14 mai 2023
Voting is closed
Fără candidaturi
Responsabil IT
Fără candidaturi.
Fără candidaturi
Responsabil Marketing
Fără candidaturi.